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„My Trace“: Children and Youth in War

„My Trace“: Children and Youth in War

  • Documentation has stopped
  • Gestapokeller and Augustaschacht Memorials
  • https://portal.oral-history.digital/gga-mytrace/en
  • https://gedenkstaetten-augustaschacht-osnabrueck.de/projekt-my-trace
  • CherkasyChernihivChernivtsiCrimeaDnipropetrovskDonetskIvano-FrankivskKharkivKhersonKhmelnytskyiKropyvnytskyiKyivLuhanskLvivMykolaivOdesaPoltavaRivneSumyTernopilVinnytsiaVolynZakarpattiaZaporizhiaZhytomyr
  • 01.07.2022 - 01.02.2023
  • Partnerships, cooperation: The project is implemented with the support of terre des hommes Deutschland, an international humanitarian charity for children's rights. The project's interviews are presented on the Oral-History.Digital platform of the Free University of Berlin: https://portal.oral-history.digital/gga-mytrace/en

The „My Trace“ project aims to bring into focus the experiences of Ukrainian children and youth aged 15 to 25 who grew and grow up during the Russian War against Ukraine. In 2022–2023, we collected 30 interviews with young people from different parts of Ukraine in Ukraine, Germany, and Poland. The archive of this project contains testimonials about internal and external displacement, life under occupation and under constant shelling, volunteering and serving in the Armed Forces, changes in relationships with friends and relatives, and experiencing the loss of close persons, as well as testimonials about respondents lives before the war, their needs, plans, and their dreams for the future. The „My trace“ project was created by the team of the Gestapokeller and Augustaschacht Memorials with the support of the terre des hommes Deutschland, an international children’s rights charitable humanitarian organization.